Eggs are one of the healthiest foods on the planet. They are a great little power pack of vitamins, minerals and around 6 grams of protein.
Most people know the benefits of free range eggs, but the best eggs are free range organic. This means that hens have access to the outdoors and eat organic feed. This comes at a cost - a better production process delivers a superior product in terms of nutrients and taste. And of course it's more ethical.
There's no standard recommendation for how many eggs you should eat per week. There's mixed research on the relationship between egg consumption and heart disease. If you have a cholesterol issue the best person to advise you is your doctor. The appropriate number of eggs will depend on other sources of saturated fat in your diet, it's likely you'll be cautioned about overdoing the cheese, butter and bacon in your omelette as much as the eggs themselves.
Eggs are a great snack without any extras anyway. Consider hard-boiling them in bulk and lining them up in the fridge. They're the perfect snack to slow you down while you're standing in front of the fridge wondering what to eat next.
Most people know the benefits of free range eggs, but the best eggs are free range organic. This means that hens have access to the outdoors and eat organic feed. This comes at a cost - a better production process delivers a superior product in terms of nutrients and taste. And of course it's more ethical.
There's no standard recommendation for how many eggs you should eat per week. There's mixed research on the relationship between egg consumption and heart disease. If you have a cholesterol issue the best person to advise you is your doctor. The appropriate number of eggs will depend on other sources of saturated fat in your diet, it's likely you'll be cautioned about overdoing the cheese, butter and bacon in your omelette as much as the eggs themselves.
Eggs are a great snack without any extras anyway. Consider hard-boiling them in bulk and lining them up in the fridge. They're the perfect snack to slow you down while you're standing in front of the fridge wondering what to eat next.